Thursday, May 29, 2008

Two new rooms to be used as operation rooms for clubs and societies!

Dear all,

Hope you're all having a good time. We've got some good news for you all; for the clubs and societies at least. For your kind information, Sri Berlian (previously occupied by the Student Publication Board) has been partition into two separate rooms. Most of the work has been completed. We need only move in some chairs and table into the new rooms and they'll be ready for use!

Clubs and societies that would like to use these new rooms as their operations rooms can submit the applications. The policies and rules of operation room application still remains the same. However, from next trimester onwards, all applications must be submitted to Mr Lee Chong Hong (016 - 7467979).

For your kind information, Miss Jess (Yeong Khar Mun), the Administrative Officer of the SRC, will go to Cyberjaya campus to continue her studies there. We wish her well and may she be successful in all her future endeavours.

That's all. Thank you.

"Actuality in Action, Integrity in Principle"

Media & Information Division
Students' Representative Council
Multimedia University
Malacca campus

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for ur wish , mr Nicholas G

From Ur Sxx