Monday, April 21, 2008

"Moments with SRC" - Reply of Finance Department regarding the "No Refund Policy"

Dear all,

In the recently concluded "Moments with SRC", clarifications on "No Refund Policy" had been made by Mr. Zailani (Deputy Director of Finance Department). According to Mr. Zailani the objective of the policy is to help the students who are weak in financial management. Basically the excess or overpayment will be brought forward to offset the future billings. Hence the students can ensure that they have the money to clear the whole or part of the outstanding payments in the coming trimester.

However for the students who need the refund, they can appeal (either write in or email) to Finance Department provided that a valid and strong reason is given such as family emergencies, house rent payment, buying books, industrial training expenses, living expenses, etc. Successful appellants will get the refund within 14 days after the approval.

Therefore for those who need the refund kindly email to or write in to Finance Department.

If you face any complications or need further explanation, kindly seek assistance from us.

Thank you.

"Actuality in Action, Integrity in Principle"

Lee Chong Hong
Students' Welfare Division
Students' Representative Council (SRC)07/08
Multimedia University(Melaka Campus)
Tel: 6016-7467979


Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

why don't bring this matter outside of mmu?
such as jabatan pengajian tinggi swasta or menteri pelajaran.
the media such as television and newspaper can deal a good publicity too

since mmu don't want to listen to its students,paying students,especially

this is malaysia.we have our rights

Anonymous said...

I am very disappointed with this decision. You guys didnt stated down what is the reason for the refund to be rejected. I think MMU is the rare university to practice such a stupid policy.

I am a students sponsored by certain foundation. My sponsor will reimburse the money straight into my MMU account. Hence, i have to request for refund again and again.

They promise 14 days, but don't be so naive. 14 days is actually 1 month and longer.

Maybe MMU will only change this policy when the media cover this policy on their newspaper.

Anonymous said...

yup, last 2 weeks I've send a refund request, then the Deputy Finance replied, your request will be processed within the next three weeks.. what the heck? SRC stated just 2 weeks? What's so complicated to refund our money?? It is the students money right, it shouldn't take more than 1 week actually, because MMU suppose did not touch our extra money!! As if, they had used our money, then it took 3 weeks to cover up the amound the student request!!! Darn this MMU new policy... i bet this is the new president doing also..!!!

Anonymous said...

I strongly disagree with this policy as well. And I couldn't agreed more to what you all said!!!

Since, all of the overpayment MMU held on hand is our money, so they should refund to us ASAP. Because, ultimately it will be us who will pay for those loans and scholarships (in term of bounded by the company), not MMU, so they have no rights to keep the money with them!

Or else, MMU negotiates on our behalf of those loans and scholarships for 0% interest (interest free) or any other methods for compensate our lost during the period of our money being kept with MMU!

I hope SRC regards this matter as urgent! If not, proper actions will be taken by us!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, give some response here. So what you guys gona do after reading all these comments? You guys gona stay silent? JUST STAY SILENT?

Anonymous said...

Dear all,

I highly appreciate your comments here. It truly shows that you are aware of the things going on around campus. Well, IMHO, Finance Department had already given us quite a positive response on this issue. There were a few appeals made gone through quite easily, with valid reasons. To be honest with you, this has got to do with policy. and on our part, to alter the policy, may take some times and studies made by the higher management as well as SRC. Feedback from students like the above are welcomed as it is clear that we students are not fine with such, but again, to alter the policy, it may take time.

In Students' Welfare Division, we are not only dealing with this policy, there are also other things that we need to look into, like facilities, security of students around campus, parking problems, accomodation problems, barring problems, etc etc etc.. To be honest, its not only Welfare tasks, sometimes also 'customer service'.

I'm grateful that departments in MMU had given us very good response in handling problems related to students welfare. Finance, FMD, Security, Library.. etc..

I believe the progress of SRC is fine so far. I'm one of the EXCO, and my name is Yeo, SWD. Yes, although its fine, i know that there are still a lot to be done. Trust me, welfare issues come non-stop. We are still handling many many complains even in study week. We work everyday for students. Why? I think the name: Students' Representative Council says it all. I think the new study area is fine, Mak Cik cleaner cleans it everyday. I think the library extended hour is a priviledge to all MMU students - but yet there are still students who commented SRC and personally told just close it as top floor is closed after 12am. Saying that its pointless extending.. etc etc etc etc.. the management had also given positive respond on new parking lots. We are also applying for proper lightings on sports facilities in Melaka Campus.. We are also proposing an upgrade.

There are so many issues that we need to look into at the moment, again i'm going to say, even in study week. On finance, we are still working on it! Yes, when we are in SRC, thats what we need to do. We too are students, i hope you understand our limitations. We still have to face exams, we still have to settle fees, we still need to appeal to get refunded, we still need to queue in finance to pay fees, we still get barred from finance if we do not pay our fees, we still get barred if attendance is below 75%.

Well, its destressing expressing that. Some may find me childish, but i think communication is the best way towards better understanding. I apologize if i have offended any parties. In this term, its my first term actually, i want to make Students' Welfare Division, and SRC as approachable as possible. I think we are no more privilidged than you guys, apart from holding the responsibilities to stand up for the students. Again, on welfare issues, we will definitely work on it. Our progress may be a bit slower this week, but i hope you guys understand what we are facing.

For further info or clarification, kindly email me at Or meet any of the SRC EXCOs. I believe we are more than willing to assist.

Thank you and again, i apologize for any offence made.


Students' Welfare Division
Students' Representative Council 07/08
MMU Melaka

Anonymous said...

well, nice explanation... I'll see until next semester starts, if more issues coming up from MMU policy or what ever, I'll guess it's time for the press to know what's wrong with mmu... Let we tell Malaysia, how great MMU is...

Anonymous said...

to yeo and fellow src,

that is why we voted you,we place our trust on you guys.we know that you guys can do something and make a change,and yes, we notice the progress that you have keep up the good work.we as a student have our rights,because we,the student itself,are the lifeline of student,no money,no mmu.that's it.what the mmu staff feeding through their mouth and their children are our money.some earn themself by working or personal savings,others loans and scholarships.

anyways,goodluck for coming finals,all the best!

Anonymous said...

Dear all,

Thanks for support anyway. Just to update on this issues, we have already initiated a study on policies(related to finance) in other private universities. We do understand all your problems, and we are trying are very best at this moment and we do hope that we manage to solve your complications ASAP.

If there are any other dissatisfaction, kindly do let SRC know.

Goodluck in finals!


Students' Welfare

Anonymous said...


*our very best

sorry :(

Anonymous said...

At least sumone has reponsed. I tin wat u wrote has gained u sum respect from us. But we still hope u can do more. Thank you

Anonymous said...

To be honest, it would be great if we are able to solve all problems. Some are problems that can come suddenly, like students getting barred and need to be unbarred at the last minute, etc etc etc.. But there are also problems that are more 'long term' like those involving policies, major facilities, campus improvements, etc etc etc.. Imagine SRC solving all problems? Haha. i'd definitely wish to. i'm sure all members in the council wish to solve all problems either, then we may have time for an 'advance honeymoon'.

Well, back to this issue, we are waiting for replies from several other parties, as i mentioned before, we are currently studying policies of other universities, and hopefully, by the next trimester, we will be able to give you feedback.

Here, i welcome all feedback, and for those who are unsure on things, kindly see us, as i believe, communication is a good way of better understanding. Face to face no prob too :)


Students' Welfare

Anonymous said...

If you want to try SRC, kindly email me at, or lodge an official report in SRC room.

That's all i can say!



Students' Welfare

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Who's not mad if "Janji Melayu jer". As, SRC stated that the refund is done within 14 days but when I've submitted a refund request the finance replied it will be processed within 3weeks... 2 weeks and 3 weeks are not the same at all. Furthurmore, this week is the 4th week since I've refund, the refunded money I still didn't get. The finance people already deducted my balance for my refund in Student Financial Kiosk, how the hell that I know that they don't simply deduct and doesn't really refunded my money??? So, that's why I've f*cked up with finance. Furthurmore, now is final exam week, with the stress all, this bloody small thing also cannot solved! I'm really pissed off! It's my money, not theirs, furthurmore, for f*cked sake, I never been barred from finance because of my tuition fees. I always pay my tuition fees in advanced even sometimes, early of the semester starts. SO, why the f*ck is my money so long to transfer? From my info., interbank fund transfer from CIMB(MMU acc) to my CIMB account should not suppose took longer than 3 working days. Dammit!! This new f*ckin' policy really s*cks. I bet it's the new president doing!!

Anonymous said...

To: fu*k off finance!!
I really pity on what have been happened to you, but have you ever shouted at the finance officer and asked them to fasten their action?If not kindly do that for the sake of all the MMU students,let them know that we have a student hero like you or you may just stand for the next SRC election, I will definitely give you my staunch support

Anonymous said...

Dear Anon,

I will be meeting Finance next week. Had been trying to set an appointment with finance since last week but there was no reply. Hope to bring you a favourable reply.


Students' Welfare

Anonymous said...

Yes,I like it. HEHEHE

Anonymous said...

Yup, you're rite! Even if the advanced payment did not cover our next trimester tuition fees, will still gonna be barred...perhaps... SRC must do something about this matter...

Anonymous said...

TO: F.O.F. said
sori i dun choose to be at here. fate put me here. if u wan to sponsor me to study at other place, i will gladly accept it.

Anonymous said...

This is a very good platform that provided by SRC for us to express our opinion..i personally think that we shoudnt use any rude word in this place..if you wan to comment or you disagree anything, pls support with your evidence and voice it up nicely..i think src will help you to solve it. pls dun express your Emo thing here..

Anonymous said...

Dear all,

I have just met with officers of Finance, so here is the explaination. The "No Refund Policy" is already being implemented, and therefore, any appeals come under negotiation and case to case basis. Only applicants with valid reasons can be refunded.

The application will take roughly 14 working days. So the whole process will actually take about a month. Finance will further clarfiy on this matter.

We are thinking of methods to create a win-win situation for both students as well as the university, to decrease the burden of the students, as well as debts to the university.

For further information, kindly contact me at

Happy holidays!


Students' Welfare

Anonymous said...

Do you need 100% Finance? I can fix your financial needs with a lower back problem of 3% interest rate. Whatever your circumstances, self employed, retired, have a poor credit rating, we could help. flexible repayment, Contact us at:

Apply now for all types of loans and get money urgently!
* The interest rate is 3%
* Choose between 1 and 30 years of repayment.
* Choose between monthly and annual repayment plan.
* Terms and conditions of the flexibility of loans.

Mr. Abdul Muqse