Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Flood Relief Team (Temerloh, Pahang)

Date: 5th January 2008 - 6th January 2008

By Nurul Ain Binti Mohd Ghazali

From 5 January 2008 until 6 January 2008, around 80 students (including some SRC excos) from MMU Melaka and Cyberjaya went to Pahang to give support to the flood victims over there. We departed from MMU Melaka around 10 pm and reached at Cyberjaya at midnight. Our delegation was accompanied by a representative from Student Affairs Division (STAD).

Flood relief team from MMU

Flood relief team from MMU Malacca & Cyberjaya

At 12.30 am we continued our journey to Pahang. Finally at 3.00 am we arrived at Sekolah Rendah Agama Al- Taqwa. The teachers there were already waiting for our arrival. For your information, almost the entire building of Sek Ren Agama Al Taqwa was affected by flood. We can clearly see the damages around the school. All the text books, table, chair and many other properties were damaged.

Our work there started at 9.00 am after breakfast. Basically, all the volunteers were divided into 5 groups. Each group has their own tasks to complete. Some of us needed to paint the school gate, wall and also the classroom. Others were asked to clean all the tables and chairs and try to fix them if there are any damages. We also cleaned up the entire primary school compound.

Painting the school

A dedicated volunteer

Painting the school entrance wall

During lunch, the villagers prepared Masak Gulai Ikan Patin for all of us as a token of appreciation for our help. After lunch we continued our task and completed all our tasks around 5.30 pm.

Finished at last

Although, all the students were tired but we felt so proud of ourselves because we were all willing to sacrifice our holiday to help people who were in need and gave our full commitment towards this activity. This activity gives us a lot of memorable experience. As a conclusion, as a Malaysian we must always help each other. Always help those who need help.

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